soccer ball

Playing soccer with friends is an enjoyable, fun way to loose the massive weight gain.

Helpful tips to stay fit for the holidays
by Lyndsey Hedge

With the holidays soon around the corner, means increase in stress, family, friends and indulging on fattening foods. As we all know, diets during the holidays are out of the question considering the amounts of deserts, ham, and beverages catching your attention encouraging you to eat it all.

For those of you who want to eat as much as you want but without the access weight gain, this article if for you. I have spent my years with a high metabolism and a hungry appetite. I would eat and eat without gaining a single pound. As the years go by and my metabolism slowly decreases, means gaining weight that I absolutely do not want.

Knowing the right exercise can be difficult, but to learn a fun exercise routine to get you started is key in commitment. An easy way to exercise and have fun at the same time, would to play a sport with a group of friends like soccer. Getting yourself caught up in the moment with a food time with friends and family is a great way to stay fit.

Over the next few weeks, try getting together a group of friends to go on a walk, play a sport or simply carpool to the gym. Another fun and easy way to get the exercise you need it an aerobic dance class, which you can find at your local recreational center.

For more tips go to:
15 Ways to make exercise more fun. 
(April, 2003).